Get More Value From Your Unstructured Data
CatDV is an enterprise Media Asset Management platform that helps content creators collaborate more effectively by using powerful Artificial Intelligence for data enrichment and orchestration.
ALT Systems is a CatDV media systems integration partner.
CatDV is now part of the Quantum family. The acquisition builds on Quantum’s expanded portfolio to classify, manage, and protect data across its lifecycle – both on-premise and in the cloud.
CatDV is a powerful and intuitive Media Asset Management (MAM) system that can be deployed as an on-premise solution or in the cloud.
With almost 100 CatDV projects completed so far, ALT Systems has deployed CatDV with traditional SAN and NAS storage, nearline and LTO archive systems, and cloud storage.
Unlike many other Media Asset Management systems, CatDV can start small and grow seamlessly: from small onsite teams of editors and producers, to hundreds of CatDV users across the enterprise and around the world. With its scalable and modular architecture, the CatDV product family has an offering that’s right for every user:
- CatDV Desktop Clients – provide a rich, fully functional media management interface, media ingest, playback and logging, nonlinear editor integration, systems administration, and configuration.
- CatDV Server – acts as the central clip and metadata repository, supports search across the database, enables collaboration between teams, and applies security and production groups permissions.
- Worker Node – is the CatDV automation engine. It can watch folders for new or changed media, perform ingest, import and export, xml publication, relocation, proxy generation, transcodes and file delivery. Part of its power comes from “server queries” (changes in the CatDV data) meaning complex workflows can be run from the CatDV clients or file system.
- CatDV Web Clients – CatDV Standard and Advanced browser clients provide remote access to the CatDV server from a web browser.
- CatDV Web Services, ‘Panel’ & Custom clients – use the CatDV REST and Javascript APIs to provide new user interfaces to CatDV plus to provide a further integration point for third party hardware, software, and services. Panels for Adobe creative tools and Tricaster further extend CatDV’s reach.
ALT Systems is an Expert CatDV Systems Integrator
ALT Systems has successfully deployed CatDV Media Asset Management systems for scores of media organizations – from Hollywood studios and broadcasters – to sports teams, universities and houses of worship.